Join us in 21 Days of Hope • Text "HOPE" to 833-272-1249

Start the Party

Jun 16, 2024

Everyone loves a party because parties mean we have something to celebrate. Birthdays, Christmas, a winning season—each party brings so much joy!

This month, we are going to start a party that celebrates the Good News about God! And when God is at the center of our celebration, I can have joy all the time! It doesn’t sound possible, at first, but then when we think about God…who God is…what God has done…how much God loves us…well, that is worth celebrating! God is worth celebrating! All day, every day! So let’s Start The Party! It’s time to celebrate the Good News about God.



Bible Story: Ezra and the Rebuilding of the Temple (Ezra 3:10–13)

Story Focus: I can have joy when I do hard things.


KEY QUESTION: Who can have joy all the time?

BOTTOM LINE: I can have joy all the time.

MEMORY VERSE: "A joyful heart is good medicine." (Proverbs 17:22 ESV)