Join us in 21 Days of Hope • Text "HOPE" to 833-272-1249

Preteen Online Experience

Sep 18, 2022

GOD VIEW: The connection between trust and God's character, as shown through God's Big Story.

Throughout history, God has been faithful to us. God kept the promise to send Jesus to save us. When we remember that God will continue to be dependable, we can choose to trust God no matter what we face in life. The Bible shows examples of people who knew first-hand what it meant to trust God in many circumstances. This month, we focus on three of them who happen to be part of the same family: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Through their stories, we’ll discover how we can trust God no matter what we face.

TRUST: Putting your confidence in someone you can depend on.
MEMORY VERSE: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5 NIrV)