Join us in 21 Days of Hope • Text "HOPE" to 833-272-1249

Start the Party

Jul 28, 2024

No one likes for a party to end, so let’s keep this party going! That means you can keep all of those streamers, hats, and party horns right where they are because we have MORE to celebrate! This month, we’re celebrating Jesus because Jesus gives me joy!

We’re not talking about the happiness you get from a carnival ride or a triple scoop of ice cream kind of joy. We’re talking about the joy only Jesus can give! It’s the kind of joy that we can have no matter what. It is a joy that lasts forever! So grab a handful—or two—of confetti. It’s time to start the party…AGAIN!



Bible Story: Heaven (Revelation 21, 22:1–5; John 14:3)

Story Focus: I can have joy forever because Jesus wants to be my friend forever.


KEY QUESTION: Who gives you joy?

BOTTOM LINE: Jesus gives me joy.

MEMORY VERSE: "I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people." (Luke 2:10 ESV)